Birring NDE Inc. provides nondestructive testing (NDT) training and consulting services for petroleum and power industries. The company specializes in the application of advanced NDT techniques, including phased arrays, eddy current testing (ECT) and ultrasonic testing (UT)
Level I: Qualified to perform specific calibrations, specific NDT, specific evaluations, and record
results. Should receive specific instruction or supervision from a NDT Level II or III.
Level II: Qualified to set up and calibrate equipment and interpret and evaluate results as per
applicable codes, standards and specifications. Should be familiar with technique limitations. Organize
and report the results. Should exercise assigned responsibility for on-the-job training and guidance of
trainees and Level I personnel.
Level III: Qualified to develop, qualify and approve procedures, establish techniques, interpreting
codes and standards. Should have sufficient practical background in applicable materials, fabrication
and product technology. Should be capable of training and examining Level I and II personnel.
There are basically 4 categories or Levels of NDT Technician certification. Each has specific
requirements for Formal Training, Test Scores and OJT Hours outlined in the document. Companies
following this document are basically working to industry Codes related to aircraft, Aerospace, Aviation
Repair, Maintenance, etc.
The requirements of this document are a bit more stringent than those of ASNT or ASME.
1) Organized NDT Training Program with required hours. The training program to include sufficient
examinations to ensure understanding of necessary information (Section 7.0 of SNT-TC-1A)
2) Experience as per SNT-TC-1A – to be verified by Employer.
3) Eye Examinations (near vision and color contrast) performed annually (see Section 8.2 of SNT-TC-1A)
4) Examinations conducted as per employer’s written practice – General, Specific and Practical with
minimum number of questions. (see Section 8.0 of SNT-TC-1A)