This document is published by the Aerospace Industries Association of America, Inc. and must be followed in order to conduct Inspection Work related to Aviation, Aircraft, NADCAP Audit, etc. If you are doing ANY of the above mentioned work for clients, your Written Practice MUST align with this document.
Please be aware that if your company does a combination of work related to NAS-410, ASME, and ASNT, your company may be required to operate under multiple Written Practice Documents. The NAS-410 Standard has too many differences from the other Codes to include all of the varieties of information in one document.
We have several clients who have technicians certified to multiple Certification Programs to work across a variety of industries. This is a complex issues which must be discussed with your Level III Technician prior to taking on the work. Again, please remember that this document only includes a broad overview of the recommendations and requirements of the NAS-410 document. The specifics of applying the NAS-410 requirements will be included in your company’s written practice.
Although there are many differences in this document than the other Certification Program, there are some similarities between the documents. There are basically 4 categories or Levels of NDT Technician certification. Each has specific requirements for Formal Training, Test Scores and OJT Hours outlined in the document. Companies following this document are basically working to industry Codes related to aircraft, Aerospace, Aviation Repair, Maintenance, etc. The requirements of this document are a bit more stringent than those of ASNT or ASME.
4 Certification Levels or Categories:
The Certification Levels are basically the same as the other Standards
1) Trainee – Prior to becoming Level I, II or III certified, technicians are considered trainees. They will be working under direct supervision of existing Level II and III technicians and will not be signing off on final reports or evaluating flaws for acceptance or rejection.
2) Level I – These technicians have basic skills, able to follow written instructions, do basic calibrations on equipment, and still working under the direct supervision of certified Level II and Level III Technicians. Level I technicians are not signing off on any code related work or evaluating accept/reject for components.
3) Level II – These technicians are able to work without direct supervision. They are able to calibrate, inspect, interpret, and evaluate findings for determining accept or reject of the components being inspected.
4) Level III – These technicians are able do all of the above, plus write, review, prepare work procedures and oversee the entire NDT operation for the methods they are certified for. In general, in order to become a Level III in any method, you must have been a Level II for 1-4 years, depending on your education level, in order to take the Level III tests for certification.
The NAS-410 Document also adds Level I Limited Certifications and definitions for NDT Certification Auditors, Examiners and Instructors. The details of those added references are included in your company’s Written Practice, but not covered here.