Advance testing lab is the best material testing laboratory. Our Chemical Testing lab provides laboratory testing services for Metal testing, coal testing, plastic & rubber testing, polymer testing, oil testing, building material testing, soil testing, bricks testing, Road material testing, design mix, Mortar testing, Marble testing lab, Tiles Testing, paper & paper products testing. Non-destructive tests, Rebound Hammer tests, core Cutting & testing, Ultrasonic pulse velocity tests, carbonation tests etc.
Advance testing lab in Delhi is a certified material testing laboratory. Our Testing Lab provides testing services for various products such as Metal testing, coal testing, plastic & rubber testing, oil testing, building material testing, soil testing, bricks testing, Road material testing, design mix, Mortar testing, Marble testing, Tiles Testing, paper & paper products testing, water testing.
Dedicated laboratory testing services team manages a comprehensive inventory of testing equipment and standardized procedures for rapid characterization of the chemistry, properties, and performance of metals, plastics, and composites.
This extensive testing capability is often coupled with our material and process-specific engineering expertise, enabling us to deliver services including but not limited to:
1.Failure Analysis
2.Production Troubleshooting
3.Design Optimization
4.Product Conformance
5.Procedure/Operator Qualification
6.Materials Evaluation